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moon on a hill

Autorenbild: hanna.goldfischhanna.goldfisch

Aktualisiert: 4. Feb. 2023

The bedside lamp was one of my first DIY and a gift for my boyfriend. Today I show you how I made this cute piece.




- 2x air drying clay (click here)

-light cable & socket (click here)

- light bulb

-sand paper

- a jar

- rolling pin

- knife

-cling film


30 € out of your pocket

& 3 hours of your time



Step One

work the clay so all air bubbles get out. Otherwise your shape will crack while drying.

Step Two

roll out the clay with the rolling pin so that it is round about 0.5 cm thick.

Step Three

grab the lightbulb and a vessel that should correspond to the height of the future clay base.

Step Four

wrap the container in cling film so that the clay can be loosened more easily later.

Step Five

take the unrolled clay and place it around the jar wrapped in cling film and smooth out the edges with your hands.

Step Six

take a butter knife to create a hole to fit in the light bulb and smooth out the edges.

let the clay dry for some hours before removing the jar. It shouldnt be too dry tho, because otherwise the object is going to break.

Step Seven

let the clay dry out completely usually it takes 48 hours.

start sanding down all the edges to give it a smooth look.

Step Eight

installing the light.

I highly recommend this tutorial on YouTube if you don´t know how to it.

and there we go

this is my final result of the tiny clay lamp.


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