I'm one of those girls who always puts her jewelry in the most unlikely places and the next day I forgot where I it is.That's why I decided it is time for a ring holder & today I´m going to show you how I made it.
- air drying clay (click here) - sponge - round knife or spatula
- sanding paper
- optional gloves
7€ out of your pocket
& 2h of your time
Step One
create the bottom part.
Step Two
roll a string like shape with a diameter of let´s say 0,5 cm for the rim. Lay it around of the circle shaped bottom part & connect it with a spatula.
Step Three
cut a small piece off a sponge and smooth out uneven texture.
Step Four
create the top part. I made an arche with a diameter of round about 2 cm.
Step Five
adding the “finger looking„ part on top of the arch. Same technique like step two and three.
let it dry for
48 hours
Step Six
sanding down every part which is uneven
and there we go...
this is the final result of my ringholder.